I rarely do OOC blog posts, and I’ve never had any OOC tweets, but inspired by Rachel from Gleehab, I cannot just stay silent about my feelings on this matter any longer.

As you may have heard, five gay teens have committed suicide over the last three weeks, something unprecedented and horrible. The common factor in all of these was that the suicide was brought on by bullying. Bullying is something I’m sure many of us have faced at least a few times in our lives and we all know just bad it truly is.

The reason I’m writing is to let all of you struggling know that there is hope. There will always be a light at the end of the tunnel and everything will work out. Stay strong, keep your head high, and never let anyone tell you who you can and cannot be. Each of you is unique and special and that’s the way the world should be. You do have people who love you and accept you. Most of all, your life means something. Don’t give up.

Glee has taught us all, including myself, that it’s okay to be who you are. No matter what you are. A gay teen, a diva, a handicapable person, a cheerleader, a singer, a dancer, etc. No matter what you are, be that with all your heart. Always remember what Glee represents and never forget that.

For help with bullying and suicide prevention, visit the following links:

The Trevor Project


Stop Bullying Now!

It Gets Better

Human Rights Campaign

Being a part of something special does make you special, because all of you are.
